Senin, 31 Agustus 2015



Zuyyina1, Dr. Djailani AR, M. Pd2, Dr. Khairuddin M. Pd3
1) Master of Education Administration Graduate Programme UNSYIAH Banda Aceh,
2.3) Educational Administration Master programme UNSYIAH, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Email :,,

Abstract: The recruitment, placement, and empowerment that based on the competency of human resources can improve the quality of the human resources. This study aimed to find out the description of the recruitment, placement, and empowerment of lecturers at College of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah (STKIP-MAT). This study used qualitative approach. The techniques of data collection used were observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects of this study were the director, the vice director I and vice director II, the heads of study programs, and the lecturers of STKIP-MAT. The results of this study showed that (1) the process of recruitment of lecturers at STKIP-MAT was based on the college need, which referred to the number of lecturers, credit loads, number of formations, and number of students. The process was through document selection, interview, and decision-making steps. (2) The process of placement of lecturers was carried out by heads of study programs, which based on the discipline of the lecturers, result of the interview, and the study program need.(3) The human resources empowerment at STKIP-MAT included the development of lecturers’ ability through scientific conference, upgrading, workshop, senior supervision, training, and giving chance to continue their study. (4) The obstacles faced by the director of STKIP-MAT in empowering human resources was most of the lecturers have other jobs outside and most of them were civil servants on governmental institute. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that the human resources management at STKIP-MAT has not been performing well. It could be seen from factor so that the obstacles faced in implementation of human resource management strategies difficult to implement STKIP-MAT maximally.

Key Word : Management Strategy and Human Resources

           In Indonesia are generally expected to be able to adjust to the changes that occur in the community. It is certain that the future of science and technology has become the main source of propulsion advancement of people's lives. Advances in science and technology is expected to improve the ability of communities to cope with the problems that occur. Under these conditions the higher education human resources are required to have a high quality and professional, to be able to improve the quality of their performance on an ongoing basis, so that in carrying out its primary mission to create quality human resources that can compete with the human resources of other countries.
           As one of the institutions of higher education institution is an institution that is tasked to develop learners to be able to solve the problem of national (internal) and international (external), in this case higher education institutions are also expected to be able to, increase the Tri Darma University mission by improving the quality of education because college is the only institution that serves the basic human resources to produce a reliable and quality of which is the management of higher education institutions, ensuring quality and professional faculty, so faculty can also improve the performance quality of an educational institution.
           One cause of low quality of education is because there is proper management professional education in institutions of higher education. In order for all subsystems running and proceed well, it needs to be organized in a professional manner. At some higher institutions, efforts to improve the quality of faculty is not too maximized, so found a lack of quality and professional lecturer at several universities, it is certainly an impact on the quality of graduates produced by the higher education institution.
           For that efforts to improve the quality and professional faculty is to provide an opportunity to develop the profession, through various methods, such as, training and further education to higher study. The same problems are also faced by STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah as one of the institutions of higher education, which is under the auspices of the foundation of Muhammadiyah, but also can not be separated from the National Education system. STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah has sought to improve the quality and professional lecturers, but the process of its implementation remains a bottleneck, which still require management-oriented management and continuous quality the same vision and mission of the college.
           From the results of the initial survey on the campus of the College of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah, there are professors who do not make reference to a unit of learning, and there are professors who do not teach according to the syllabus. This greatly affects the performance of teachers so the quality and professional faculty is low, it will certainly have an impact on the quality of graduates and human resources on the campus. This is an aspect of concern in improving the quality of human resources through effective.
Definition of Human Resource Management.
           Human resource management is wisdom in managing human resources that exist in an organization to achieve a goal, which is included in the activities of human resource management in the process of educational organizations are planning, recruitment, selection, placement, training and development. According Marwansyah (2010:3) human resources management is      “the process to assist the organization in these efforts”. Human resource management is the organization that is effective and able to find, utilize, retain, and develop human to achieve the aspired results. Yuniarsih and Suwatno (2013:12) defines human resource management is “a set of human resource management activities that focus on practice and policy, and management functions to achieve organizational goals”.
           Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the human resource management is wisdom in managing human resources.
Role of Human Resources
           The role of human resource management according to Hasibuan (2013:14) regulate and establish staffing program that includes the following issues:
1.      Setting the number, quality, and effective employment in accordance with the needs of the company based on the job description, job specification, job requirement and job evalution.
2.      Establish withdrawal, selection, and placement of employees by the right man and the right place and the right man in the right job.
3.      Establish a program of welfare, development, promotion, and dismissal.
4.      Predicting supply and demand of human resources in the future.
5.      Implement education, training, and performance appraisal of employees.
6.      Set the mutation employees either vertically or horizontally.
7.      Set the retirement, dismissal, and severance.
           The opinions above confirms the role of human resource management is crucial realization recognized goal, but to lead the human element is very difficult and complicated. Human labor in addition to capable, competent, and skilled, not least their willingness and sincerity to work effectively and efficiently. The main objective of human resource management is to increase the contribution of human resources to the organization in order to achieve the productivity of the organization concerned.
           It can be understood that all activities of the organization in achieving its mission and objectives is dependent on the man who runs the organization. Therefore, human resources should be managed such that efficient in achieving the mission and goals of the organization.
Functions of Human Resources.
           As for the functions of Human Resource Management includes the activities undertaken to fill the position of members of the organization and maintain high performance. While the functions of human resource management by Bangun (2012:6), namely: 1). procurement of resources, 2). humans, 3).Development, 4). compensation, integration, and 5). maintenance of human resources.
           From some of the above functions can be deduced that the activity management strategy should start from educators and education were entered into the educational organization to a halt through the process of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, compensation, awards, education and development and dismissal.
           Methods This study uses a qualitative approach, which is implemented in the College of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah since May 28 to August 4, 2014 with research subjects, among others: the Chairman, Vice chairman of the I and II, Chairman of the study program, and also lecturer STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah. In this study the authors used the technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation.
Recruitment Process at STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah.
           Activities of human resource recruitment at STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah is good. It is seen from the determination of the need for new lecturers conducted by determining the number and qualification determination. In determining the amount of the needs of new faculty, the calculation is based on the number of existing faculty and faculty load credits STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah, the possible number of formations, and the number of new students.
           Flow fulfillment lecturer STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah, originated from the determination of the amount of demand on the department level. The result is a material leadership meeting at the department level. Based on the determination of the amount of flow in the lift, it is seen that the orientation of the determination of the amount based on the number of classes, number of students, the average faculty load and average load of students, as well as the ability of the foundation's financial budget.
           In an effort to supply the lecturer, STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah has conducted recruitment activities by forming a committee established by the Decree of the Chairman of the STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah. Composition and commite personnel attached to positions related to the field of personnel work. This situation expedite the work when the committee has been dissolved due to the type of work and the object remains the same.
           Recruitment policy for the appointment of new lecturers STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah formal ie S1 or S2 graduates of public and private colleges with achievement index of 2.75 with circular Chairman of STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah submitted to the respective chairman and then chairman of the Prody expressed to faculty and administrative personnel to be informed out.
Thus recruitment activities in STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah is done by providing information to faculty to seek lecturers required, or to provide recommendations to the applicant that the applicant has the ability to eligibility and recruited to become a lecturer. This method is very economical because it saves the cost of recruitment, and faculty received will seek to work with the maximum because they are trying not to disappoint those who have given a recommendation to the faculty.
           However, despite the decision-making process more elements of the leadership role, but other staff are also given the authority to convey the approval on any decisions taken by the leadership. This is because most of the faculty candidates is derived from the environment STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah, which basically they have to know anybody prospective lecturers.
Human Resource Placement Process STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah.
           The results showed that the pattern placement conducted by STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah is good as seen in the placement of faculty in the division of subjects is in accordance with the qualifications and competence, and the placement of lecturers left entirely to the majors based on new scientific discipline faculty, the interview and department needs.
Human Resources Development STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah.
           The results showed that the pattern of human resource development STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah is through:
a.    Faculty development through scientific meetings.
b.   Upgrading or workshops.
c.    Guidance senior-junior.
d.   Provide opportunities for faculty to continue their education to a higher level.
           The goal is to increase knowledge on the development of science faculty. Pembinaaan of new lecturers conducted by the senior faculty who are selected and appointed by the head of the study program. In practice, senior lecturer must accompany junior lecturer in lectures, in at least one course. Senior-junior coaching is not performing well, the influence that the coaching process is not carried out as expected, of which most lecturers have a busy off campus, so sometimes they take advantage of her assistant. Assuming that it is also one of the cadre, further they assert their readiness to provide assistance if required. Chairman also provide an opportunity for faculty to continue to higher education. In this process the leaders of the STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah always provide motivation for faculty to develop education. But lecturers STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah who continue their education in general and the cost of its own volition, so he took the field study, not relevant to the desired field of study in accordance with accreditation requirements. Obviously in this case the chairman of STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah really find it difficult to send lecturers to continue to higher education.
1.   The recruitment of lecturers STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah based on a determination of need, namely the determination of the number and qualifications then do the stages of selection files and interviews.
2.   Placement of the lecturers in teaching activities left entirely to the majors by the new faculty disciplines, the interviews and the needs of the department.
3.   Aspects of coaching include staff development through scientific meetings, briefings, workshops, counseling senior-junior, sending lecturers in training activities.
4.   Obstacles faced STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah in managing resources is the management of human resources, most lecturer at the STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah had a job outside the campus principal, as well as the status of civil servants in government agencies.
           In the improvement of human resources management strategy needs to be improved the quality of human resources management strategy which includes the selection, placement and training of human resources in a more accurate, objective, rational and considering  professional  human resources.

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The Human Resources Management Strategy At College Of Teacher Training And Education Muhammadiyah Aceh Tengah is purely my own work, written with scientific principles and are prepared without the use of writing and/or thinking of others used in this scientific article, has been referenced properly  by writing rules published in other scientific journals. Should they find the elements of plagiarism in the scientific article, then I am willing to declare sanctions as stipulated in the Regulation of Academic and Student Affairs Master Program Syiah Kuala University.
Banda Aceh ,  13th October  2014
Name                     : Zuyyina
SRN                      : 1209200050088
Course                   : Masters of Education Administration




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